Saturday, February 15, 2020

How not to lose 20lbs. again & again

Meeting your weight loss goals can be a mtn. top experience. Losing the weight only to regain it is akin to winning the battle but, losing the war. repeating this process again & again will knock you off the top into the valley and maybe into the pit. Let's get out of the rut that leads to the pit, otherwise known as Yo-Yo dieting. 

The question is how best is this accomplished. You may need some help, I did. In last weeks post Habit forming is Habit forming I felt I didn't do the subject justice. I have since discovered Liz Josefsberg her book Target 100 & her website Target 100 .com Liz is a health, wellness, and weight loss expert author of the previously mentioned best selling book Target 100.

I learned about her from an interview with Tom Bilyeu on his Impact Theory podcast. One of my favorites, I never fail to learn something new I can use to improve my quality of life. The beauty of her work is in it's simplicity. 

It's all based on the number 100 and what she calls the 6 Pillars.
(1)-100 grams of carbs. daily
(2)-100 ounces of water daily
(3)-100 minutes of movement weekly
(4)-100 minutes of stress relief weekly
(5)-100 minutes of exercise weekly
(6)-100 minutes of extra sleep weekly (my personnel kryptonite)

At this point it may sound a little complicated but, in fact they are simply connected to each other. One pillar to the next supporting the structure, you being the structure. Liz points out 100 may not be the perfect number but, it's memorable.

It's true even I can remember 100 and that my friends is beautiful in it's simplicity and will get me so much closer to my health and wellness goals than I ever got aiming at perfection in the past. Liz uses an archery target as a metaphor.

With it's ever decreasing rings and central bullseye being the smallest and hardest to hit signifying perfection. Which is difficult but gets easier with practice. The outer rings of the target being larger and more doable from the beginning and, yet producing dramatic results just the same. You can't go wrong !

In last weeks post I touched on habit forming but, Liz tackles it and I believe gives it a full chapter in her book. Which I confess not to have read, being so new to her work. She generously gives a tremendous amount of info. on her website Target 100 .com for free.

Liz describes what she calls the ( habit loop ) broken down into 3 parts (1)Triggers (2) Routine and (3) Reward. Go to her site for a full explanation but, I will touch on it here. 

In creating a new habit Liz says perfection is not the goal consistency is. We all know to well we will fall but, falling doesn't mean failing. Not if you dust yourself off and get back on for another ride. You will eventually break that habit, at the same time creating a new one.

On her website you will find a habit change key which is a worksheet in her book. Use this tool to dig up your triggers, uncover your routine, claim your reward and, bury that old habit once and for all.

In her Impact Theory interview Tom asked her, what was the most beneficial habit his listeners could cultivate. To my surprise she said "hydration drinking 100 oz. of water per day". Which is consistent with her  6 Pillar concept . 

This renewed my interest in the benefits of drinking water. I am ashamed to say I often ignore it for more exotic beverages. In my search for short term clarity of mind and the promise of energy. False promise I might add ! How do I know, because they continually require higher rates of consumption to get that short term benefit.

Not dissimilar to many drugs, over or under the counter. If it looks like a duck and, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. We knows this never ends well.

Water on the other hand has been on the menu in this world since day one and God said "it is good" and that's good enough for me. He has yet to voice his opinion on so called soft and energy drinks but, I will view his silence with caution and not optimism, not cautious optimism.

According to Liz we are largely made up of water, so I guess it makes sense to replenish and replace it. Water may very well be the tonic I am seeking for clarity of thought. I connect sentences but, she connects ideas and, changes peoples lives. That is the clarity I am after.

This ability to communicate in the written word, that like me is quickly going out of fashion. Keep in mind I am not a researcher just a searcher as you are. She says we confuse hunger with thirst or is it thirst with hunger I 'm confused.

Looking to hydrate our body through food, when in fact we are thirsty. Speaking of food she puts little emphasis on calorie counting. Just as important as what your eating is what's eating you. The Pillars of sleep and stress relief reflect this attitude.

I will explore a different Pillar weekly and let you know my thoughts, results, successes, and falling, but not failure !

This is Papa Randy I am

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