Monday, April 29, 2019

How I Lost 10 lbs. Fast

Or better said, How I Lost 10 lbs.Fasting. Yes I said fast not fun, but it really wasn't that hard.The hardest part was getting started and getting through the first day. Once you set your mind to it it's as good as done. Here's how I did it simply put and I do mean simple cause simple is the best way. Just don't eat, drink only water, maybe with a little apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice in it.

I personally also drank some coffee, I have since given up coffee, and feel much better for it. What I'am talking about here is a five day water fast. One problem people have with most diets is they find them complicated. This one is not, one rule don't eat.

Will you cheat ? I did a little, very little don't beat yourself up over it. One thing I might add I did this without any exercise routine. I'am not sure you could do this type of fast and maintain a regular workout at the same time. So why do a water fast.

One reason is you can't always find the time to exercise, but you can always find the time to not eat. If weight loss is one of your main goals, as it is for so many people. This may be for you. With most changes of habit, as I said earlier getting started was the hardest part. The first day I missed eating out of force of habit.

One thing I did to make it easier I conducted my fast at my cabin in Hochatown Okla. Where I kept no food at the time. You may not have the luxury of separating yourself off from food, and people eating it. As I found out later going to a family event centered on eating made it much more difficult.

A couple of things you can do to insure your chances of success, don't begin your fast in the holiday season or while on vacation. Consider your ability to control the amount food ads you are bombarded with you know they do it cause it works.

Keep in mind my results are not the least bit scientific and your results are bound to vary, and I only print this because I'am a good example of an average person. I hope you find the information useful. Here is how it went.

Day 1- Weighing in at 220lbs. I had been doing some alternate day fasting, but not seriously since the first of  the year, and had lost about 15lbs.weighing 235 in Jan. So I was no beginner.The first day was still hard. Keep your mind occupied  and off of food.

Day 2- I decided to go cycling and found that on one long uphill I had to walk pushing my bike to the top. This is why I say it may be difficult to maintain your regular exercise routine. Once again very unscientific, and you may get different results.

Day 3- Was uneventful I did have a strange metallic taste in my mouth. I believe it is a symptom of ketosis for I believe your bound to enter into it on this type of fast. Don't be like me a little research can go a long way. I'am a terrible guinea pig but I'am the only one I can afford. The only thing I do consistent is consistently getting it wrong, as you will see on day 4.

Day 4- I experienced what is commonly called the keto flu. Which is proof you are in ketosis which is the metabolic process of burning fat for energy because of the lack of glucose. Resulting in a build up of ketones or acids. The body stores fat like a bank account, in ketosis your spending that fat, hence the weight loss.

I could have easily avoided this so called "keto flu" had I done some fact finding on the net, for this is a common condition. My symptoms were as follows, extreme fatigue,brain fog,nausea,dizziness,and heart palpitations. There can be other symptoms those were just mine.

Hey what's the deal these were all the things I was trying to cure in the first place. A simple internet search told me all this was caused by a loss of salt and water due to my fast. Simply add a half tsp. of salt to your 16oz. water bottle, might as well make it Himalayan pink salt. Due this twice a day.

I didn't know this and almost gave up my fast.What I did do, it just so happens was a salt water detox on day 4 just as it sounds salt and water. Presto it cured my symptoms, and I was back on track.

Day 5- I felt great it was my final day, but I had a family event with a lot of food, it was the first time I really missed food. Maybe because I usually over eat at these events and it was triggering a pavlovian response.

As far as results go I lost 10lbs. in 5 days. I don't know how much of this was water loss, I did put a couple of pounds quite quickly after the fast. I believe the salt water detox contributed to the water loss, because it emptied my system completely.

What is a salt water detox, flush, or cleanse.While it might sound dangerous too much salt can kill , but remember so can to much water. Studies have shown it to be both safe and effective. I had tried doing this and didn't have good results. As I said I'am consistently wrong.

I did it late in the day, you should do it first thing in the morning. I did it on a full stomach at the time, you should do it on an empty stomach. I used table salt you should use sea salt. Make sure your salt is not iodized which could affect absorption.

The second time I tried this detox I followed these simple rules and was very successful. Here's how to prepare your detox. Take 1 liter of water heat it above room temp., but cooler than your morning coffee add 2 tsp. of salt and shake well.

If  you like add some lemon juice as the salt will be quite strong tasting. Drink it as fast as possible(in a few minutes). It will take effect in less than a hour, and the effects may last several hours. So make sure you set aside enough time and have access to bathroom facilities.

It's simple fast and cost effective, unlike so many things we do. One thing I didn't know a water fast can cause constipation, because your not consuming any fiber. We all know what roll fiber plays in our diet. So I guess it makes sense I was feeling like I needed the detox after a week without fiber.

In summary I don't know if I will do a water fast again it seems so disruptive to your work and exercise routine. I'am not giving medical advice I just sharing my experience. I've had good results with alternate day fasting. Which consist of eating as usual on day one then on day two eating 25% of  your normal calorie intake.

I do this by eating a large bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, and honey for breakfast and I'am done for the day. Everybody is different I find on normal days my body does not try and make up for lost calories.

I find that this fast ADF is easier to keep than the old school diet of restricting calories everyday for weight loss. There is plenty of research out there that ADF is more effective at weight loss.

Back to the 5 day water fast it did help me jump start a weight loss program. I have since lost an additional 15lbs. by the end of the month using ADF It also helped me break a few old habits at the same time by going cold turkey on sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and just general over eating.

I said goodbye to these old friends, and hope to never see them again. I constantly use myself as a test subject, and I hope you can learn a little from the process, as I do.Certainly don't try any of this without consulting your physician.I don't like writing about something unless I've tried it myself.

There are many other reasons to do a multi day water fast other than weight loss for example. I ran across this research by the University of Southern California in an article titled grow stem cells with fasting. It states that fasting 2 to 4 days at a time causes elimination of older cells allowing them to be replaced by new cells.

Out with the old in with the new, for all practical purposes rebooting the immune system. Imagine that people have been fasting for centuries now we know why.

I fail to mention one of the best reasons for fasting is it cost nothing, and as you guessed actually saves you money. Which is good cause your going to need some new clothes.

This is Papa Randy and I'am

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fly Fishing Sport of Kings

Let's jump right to the end of this story.(no fish harmed in the writing of this article.) The only damage was to Ego,self-esteem,pride and pocket book. The former being broken, the latter only bruised. I hope I got that right. I always confuse the former with latter.(O' well).

Now approaching my 62th. birthday, with thoughts on how to spend those golden years and green dollars. Being of sound mind and body I decided to wreck both at one time because at my age there's not much time left.

That's right I was going to master the manly art of fly fishing. I was going to need a few things. First stop was at the huntin, fishin, gettin, big box outdoor store.

I watched as the old as oil(west Texas crude that made this chain of stores what it is today). Stone faced steely eyed medusa of a cashier.(I would say about my age). Sneered disapprovingly at my purchases. As if to say they had mid-life crisis wrote all over them. Here husband now he's got a crisis.

She remarked "Do you wanna beg for the small stuff."
No I quiped."I will be paying cash today thank you."
"Please double beg it." But the joke was wasted o"well if it's not fun for everyone.

For it was I who's got to figure out how to get all this home on my motorcycle. I should have drove the jeep, but it was loaded down with kayaks.(So many choices).

The young man bagging my goods. Sighed wondering out loud.
"Gee it must be nice."
"I wonder when I'll have the  money to fish and see the world."
I was thinking the same thing, but about myself. I bet he won't have any hair left to flick out of the way to see his phone by that time. Maybe he'll be ready and able to see the world then.

But wait we're not done yet we must pay tribune to amazon. They're great but they have so much stuff, and I have so little money. So we compromised, I got a little of there stuff and they got all my money.

The Fed-Ex man has came So many times the dog don't even bark at him anymore. She still barks at the mailman cause he only comes once a day. Even the dog knows mailman bring bad fed-ex bring good.

While waiting for my ship to come in, not the financial one it sank in the parking lot of the big box store,but the cargo one I need to haul all this down to where the fish are. It struck me then we fly fishermen don't use boats we walk in the water up stream no less.(SPORT OF KINGS), but not Vikings' cause they had a boat.

Now after being plundered by the private concerns it's the governments turn. A fishing license in no way resembles a drivers license. A drivers license implies that you are competent, and have mastered all skills granted by the license. A fishing license on the other hand grants you the right but makes no claims of skill or competence.

In that sense a fishing license more resembles a marriage license. You've passed no difficult test.(that will come later). To make matters worse the fisherman has probably watched more YouTube videos On catching his prize than the marriage applicant.(results may vary).

By now you may be having some doubts about my outdoor writers skill. Rest assured I'am sitting outside on my deck as I write this.

If your staring into your screen at this point blankly, as I'am as I write this. I've heard of writers block, I've had enough to build a house. I not aware of readers block as a condition. Let's just say you have crossed a few hurdles if you came this far slog on.

There is one more license, a poetic license. It's free they don't give it to you, you take it. That's why so often it's a crime. I've abused mine so often it's tattered and worn. A lot like this story.(barely readable).

Well we have talked about marriage, government, mid-life crisis, retirement, money, amazon and dogs. All the major topics, let's see what haven't we discussed. Oh yes the fish.Well that about does it for part one of this story.

If you get to the end of this story before I do, and there's still no fish. Leave a comment in the comment section and I'll see what I can do.

This is Papa Randy and I'am

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Oklahoma's best hiking ; camping ; fishing

The triple crown of summer can be had in one clean sweep at Beaver's Bend State Park in Hochatown Oklahoma and surrounding area Broken Bow Lake and Kiamichi mountains.There is so much to do in this corner of the state..Hikers have access to a trail system in the state park. That allows them to tailor a hike to suit their time(length) talent(degree of difficulty).

From Skyline trail for the experienced hiker to the nature trails at the Forest Heritage Center. Open 7 days a week with free maps available of all trails and park amenities as well.(get a map there is so much to see or get lost seeing it).

The Heritage Center is on hwy. 259a.Turn at the state park entrance. It is very near many of the trail heads and you can park in their lot. The ranger station at the state park turn off, also has detailed maps of the area for sale as well as free maps.I don't believe they are open on the weekends.I will provide phone numbers for both the ranger station and heritage center at the end of this article.

There are seven basic trails in the park system.

Beaver Creek ; 1 mi. Great for kids with water to wade in the summer.

Beaver Lodge : 1 mi.

Cedar Bluff : 1 mi. up hill with view of the river at the top.

Dear Crossing: 2 mi.

Look-out mtn.: 1.5 mi.

Skyline: 7 mi. The most challenging and is best accessed from the cedar bluff  trail head. As it is difficult to locate the trail head at the spillway.

I might add that if you have a stroller or wheelchair you can still hike if it is not to wet.Go to the old park dam there is a wide flat trail (closed road) that parallels the lower mtn. fork river as it leaves the park. It is a very scenic walk for everybody.

If you decide to car camp there are many campsites on the river as well as R.V. parking with pull thru sites. They have approx. 111 w/e sites 4 handicap and 54 tent sites. 

Not to mention 40 lodge rooms 48 cabins 10 pet friendly and 2 group camps one for 144 guest and one for 160 visitors. Don't miss the nature center which is located by the store and the childrens playground.

Speaking of children they may be interested in the train rides,paddle boats,kayak rental and swim beach all within the park.

The main attraction to the park is of course the 12 mi. of  Lower Mtn. Fork River that runs through it.Yes that's right(a river runs through) and the trout fishing it provides.It's rumored to have the best fly fishing in Oklahoma and some say in the entire south.The mtn. fork has both stocked and native trout. The cold clear water reminds you of a rocky mtn. stream and is just as scenic.

I feel I have left out so much you need to see it yourself.
Park office (580) 494-6452
Nature Center(580) 494-6556
Cabin office(580) 494-6300
Lakeview Lodge(580) 494-6179
Ranger Station(479) 637-4174
Forest Heritage Center(580) 494-6588

This is Papa Randy and I'am

Monday, April 22, 2019


What is success. It's best defined individually,be aware that definition changes as you change,and you will or you won't succeed. It is a process more than an event. Somebody said "The best shortcut is don't take any shortcuts." That being said I will give give you one shortcut,ignore the first 10 items on the list go right to #11. For they are only to make you look successful.True success is a moving target and will require you to do a lot not buy a lot.

1- Wear a watch that has real numbers,and two hands.Cause nothing says success like showing, that you don't give give a darn about what time it is.

2- Don't wear any socks not only will you look really cosmo, You'll be saving both time and money. Just in case nobody notices roll your pant leg up.

3- Put a bicycle on the roof of your car. Make sure  your always in route to a bike fitting. Just in case someone actually ask you to go riding.( I keep mine on the roof so don't be offended).

4- Have a safe word, when in conversation and you draw a blank shout the name Elon Musk. Wink and nod your head aprovingly as if to say, you know that Elon thinks that he knows what he's doing. Point toward Mars, don't worry nobody else will know where it is either. ( Make sure you point into the air).

5- Pretend you don't know how to drive a stick shift, and aren't familiar with the terms, 3 on the tree, or 4 on the floor. That's a dead giveaway you spent some time in one of the fly over states.(that draws manual transmissions like a magnate).

6- Careful when you speak, be mindful that A.I. means artificial intelligence at a start-up in Silicon Valley Calif. Not to be confused with A.I. artificial insemination on a cow calf operation in Pauls Valley Oklahoma.(Though both will have wondering what the world is coming to).

7- When in a crowd of other successful people just like yourself. Stare mindlessly at your smart phone, as if it were actually making you smarter.(They do have that ability, choose wisely).

8- Eat only natural, organic, free range beef. That will leave more beef from cattle that ate plain old grass, for the rest of us.

9- If you need money, and you would not be reading this if you did;nt. Remember OPM other peoples money. Think crowd funding anything but your own.(Hey this actually works for some people a good idea will go a long way).

10-If you have children sign them up for anything and everything. Cause you never know they might be the next big thing.(Please let them pick a few activities that there interested in).

11-FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! There is a host of info. out there to help you. Use the web you won;t wear it out, but try anyway. Here are a few suggestions.Tim Ferriss 4hr, work week, Seth Godin .com. Bigger Pockets for all things real estate.There is a whole world out there of help and much of it is FREE! My definition of success is FREEDOM!!!