Most of our health issues didn't overtake us overnight as we slept for example obesity, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes. Most were years in the making and the cure, and there can be a cure. Can take place overnight, for this is when the body heals itself.
Overnight just not one night, the cure just like the curse can also be years in the making. Life is not a sprint it just feels that way. You may in fact have to make some major changes in lifestyle, diet, exercise, relationships, and social media habits.
A change of habit is not a short term fix, it is easy to lose weight, but to keep weight off you must change your way of life to be successful. If not it is so easy to fall into the the same old rut, don't ask me how I know.
Ruts are made by going back to the same place over and over, the more we do it the harder it is to get out, and the easier it is to slip right back in. Wasting all your hard work. Maybe what you need to guard against this is radical change.
Instead of taking the same old path instead do a 180 degree turn. Give the body a shock, a wake up call so it sits up and pays attention. By now you have determined the old path, as easy as it might be was not taking you where you want to go anyway.
A new path doesn't only include creating new habits, but breaking old ones. I did say shock the body. The good news is when you do both at the same time the benefits, and results are equally impressive.
So the question is how is this best done. If you are older like myself don't view this as a new construction project it's more of a remodel. It's a bit more messy, it will take longer, and cost more if not in money then, in time.
The end result will be years of added value and usefulness to the old structure. Besides the alternatives are not that appealing, tearing down the old structure, or just living with it till your not. Once you have made up your mind the battle is half over.
As it is often said " If you think you can and if think you can't you are probably right either way". Just don't get too complacent cause it is a battle just the same, and a battle requires a plan, and a plan requires action.
Enemies need to be identified, strengths, and weaknesses need to be evaluated. Road blocks, detours, and shortcuts need to be anticipated, as well as mitigated. While I can not guarantee success, I can guarantee success, or your money back.
Let me add immediate results to that money back. How can I do this simple don't spend any money which will remove one of the main road blocks. You can begin today which will guarantee immediate results.
Still long term success is on you, but you knew that anyway. I can only encourage you along the way. Ok enough of the pep talk and on with the prep talk. Let's start with some habit forming , life changing, low hanging fruit.
Once you have your battle plan, and it can be any plan for anything. You can insure your odds of success tremendously. By doing this one thing. No matter who you are, and no matter what the plan is.
This one Superpower to success can be yours, are you ready Ok here it is WRITE IT DOWN ! Maintain a journal, write down your goals, your hopes, your fears, successes, and failures. You will have all of these. Maintain it on a daily bases, and it will become your most valuable asset.
Do not overlook or underestimate it's importance if you do only one thing do this thing! Let's get started with a few low cost, and or no cost ideas. I don't pretend know your specific needs, but in general most people would like to change their eating and exercise habits, and improve their health, and well being.
Let's pick some of that low hanging wellness fruit we talked about. Instead of adding new healthy foods to our diet today we can remove a food like a sugary dessert, or reduce total consumption not only did we not spend any money we saved some so there!
We are on the right path now, since we are there the best tonic for what ails you is a walk down that path. Once again because the cost is low do not underestimate the value of this time tested elixir of life, and the benefits of walking to mind, body, and soul which can not be measured in dollars.
Yes you say but I don't have the time. It is time now to call in the markers on some of those habits you would like to change. You can kill two birds with one stone by taking time away from social media or the evening news. Which in itself is known to have proven health benefits.
Now for the icing on the cake (if this is a metaphor it is the worst one possible). Take your spouse, kids, friends, or the dog and engage in the lost art of conversing one -on - one. Don't be ashamed to post your successes on social media everybody else does!
This is Papa Randy I'am
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