(a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged).
If you recall it was massive action, not a half hearted effort that allowed you to overcome gravity and move through this world in ways you had only dreamed of moments before. This is my best description of Grant Cardones 10x Rule. Child like in nature where desire of outcome
overrides all obstacles in it's path with massive action.
Umpteen years later like a heavy airplane the heavier (read older) we are the harder it is to get lift-off velocity. To overcome the inertia, which has set in over the years. This is where the 10x Rule comes in.
Can you really supersize your efforts, and will it supersize your results? I'm getting ahead of myself.
1- What is the 10x Rule- It is based on Grants observation, that the most common cause of failure. Was the fact that we under estimate the amount of effort, energy, and time that will be needed to meet our goals. This has been my experience as well. When I have failed, it has been a failure in estimated effort, energy, or time allotted to succeed. By a factor of 10x!
2- Who will it work for- For those willing to reset the bar higher on their efforts, through massive action. None else need apply! Anybody looking for a short-cut needs to look elsewhere. On second thought 10x your actions will be a short-cut, it will get you to your goals faster. Agreed!
3-When to begin- Today that's just one reason to adopt 10x thinking save your money, exhaust your efforts, energy, and time then tomorrow begin again anew building on yesterdays successes and experiences.(no excuses to start).
4-Where to begin- Herman Conwell an American Baptist minster, orator, philanthropist, lawyer, and writer. Among his many accomplishments he was known for his lecture which became a book "Acres of Diamonds"which I highly recommend you read along with the "10xRule"
He presented his lecture over 6,152 times worldwide a feat in itself in the early 1900's. The point of his talk was to "dig for diamonds in your own backyard" an overlooked concept today as well as then. So where do you begin? Right where your at !(no excuses).
His lecture truly is a diamond and I believe it is in the public domain to be viewed on Gutenburg press. He didn't have air travel or the internet. He applied 10x effort, energy, and time to his purpose.
5 -Why 10x your efforts- When failure is not an option and you have (chosen your purpose wisely) 10x massive action going forward will make success likely, and possibly unavoidable.
6-How to begin- We can easily see how Grants hard charging business tactics could spill over
into sports, but what about other areas of your life, family, relationships, health and wellness or even spiritual ----------- you fill in the blank !
Not convinced I propose you pick one area of your life to test the 10x Rule. I picked two because my favorite exercise is biting off more than I can chew.
1- I would like to 10x this Blog as Grant points out I have sorely under estimated what it takes to make it succeed. I believe it to be a worthwhile pursuit. Worthy of massive action!
2- In his book Grant makes several observations that are worth the price alone. The average person reads less than one book per year. With the average C.E.O. reading about 60. Trust me this is not for entertainment(at least not what the average person finds entertaining).
I decided to 10x my book reading this being made possible by audio books. Because of the added opportunity listening provides. If you don't think this is reading get over it, I did. I can now READ while driving, working, walking, and in the evening when I want to limit screen time. "The 10x Rule" was my 1st audio book and I'am glad to say this "Old dog can learn new tricks" the added opportunity is limitless as are the benefits.
Grant goes on to say one of the biggest problems as a company and individuals have is obscurity. Not product, or service, nor personality, but simple fact we are unknown. Before our person or product can be rejected it must first be accepted. Before we quality issues or delivery issues.
We must first work to get on everybody's radar. This is job #1 so make sure your 10xing the right thing first bring yourself, product, service, or cause out of obscurity 1st and foremost. They can't talk about you if they don't know you, and if they are not talking about you, you are not making the desired impact.
With today's social media this is almost free, and a great place to flex those 10x muscles. Don't leave this card on table, play it every chance you get. In my own case as a blogger talent may be an issue, but obscurity is the biggest issue. With 10x action I improve both presents and my presentation, killing two birds with one stone.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the other half of 10x massive action, and that's 10x goal setting. Which will be an article of it's own.
Will all this work for you?
The harder you work!
The better it works!
This is Papa Randy I'am
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