Thursday, February 27, 2020

I'm a self mad e man

But I don't like that piece of information to get out. I am told I'm a contrarian with a wide lazy streak and a narrow attention span, easily distracted by shiny new ideas. I expect great things from my children,and their children, for that matter everyone else around me.

All the while procuring a hall pass for myself. Yellow with age, it served me well, my children now suspect forgery. My shoot from the hip, ask questions later (or not) take no prisoners, leave every man behind, devil take the hindmost, parenting style was out of style.

Unpopular in the last century, my style is now used as an example in this century, a bad one! It has since fallen under criticism by the children, to put it mildly. At first I wrote off their murmuring as preadolescent whining. It was hard to ignore, but I succeeded for years. Then the unthinkable happened they learn't to talk. (imagine that).

I was fond of saying "I'm not here for the popularity contest." They assured me I wasn't in the front runners. Our relationship was strained. Being the self described Alpha Male that I am.
( Shouldn't you wait for others to call you that.) OK ! OK ! I was just planting the seed.

To my way of thinking if it ain't broke don't fix it, I was assured by those around me it's broke.
( Gee tell me how you really feel ). As the years rolled by the kids grew up and moved out. Me always the contrarian moved out then grew up.

So what to do ! How best to level up as they say. It stands to reason if I made this mess I can clean it up. Weeks turned to months, and months to years. I embarked on the heroes journey.
(I'm writing this so I get to be the hero funny how that works)

I self sequestered, same self to a remote cabin deep in the Kiamichi National Forest of Southeastern Oklahoma. A place trod only by the legendary Bigfoot, and a few hardy agro entrepreneurs. I too stalked the hills in search of answers.

Listening, listening, always listening. Ok! Ok! Just encase anybody ever read this.( Maybe the cabin is not as remote as that, maybe it's in a subdivision you know water, power, mail, and garbage service. Maybe it's right in the middle of Oklahoma's #1 destination Brokenbow lake and the adjoining Beaver's Bend state park. Maybe there is no Bigfoot (maybe he don't believe in you either) But I do have some shall I say, some very interesting neighbors. (I hope they don't read this).

Listening, I say and writing rambling missives, late into the night with disconnected themes( I wonder if there's a connection there). Where spelling and punctuation are treated like a second language, always good to know, but not completely necessary to get my point across.

Like a group of beer drinking dart players I have a celebration every time I even get close to the point I'm trying to make. Unfettered by the shackles of higher education. I jump back and forth like an olympian in training between the 1st- 2nd- and- 3rd person until exhausted. The rules of fine writing are -persona-non-grata-( an unwelcome foreigner).  Slowing the process down immensely.

Listening, hot, cold, wet, dry, cloudy, sunny, windy, still listening, but to what, I hiked those hills listening to audio books from the library and podcast on my I-phone. I was schooled in the 10x rule, the 5 second rule, the 80-20 rule. The Golden rule didn't even make the top ten New York Times best sellers list.

I was versed in meditation, mediation, and mindfulness. It was enough to make you (sigh) so I did. Psychology, Philosophy, Physiology, and Pharmacology. Each revolution of the legs, seeking revelation of the mind.

I even listened to a podcast of Deepak Chopra.( I think my Alpha Male seed just withered) No worries I didn't understand a word of it. Could that possibly be his real name, I wish I had thought of it first(Deepapa) all the good internet names are always taken.

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote "Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences" consequences of my own making I might add. Maybe instead of feeling sorry for myself I should jut say I"m sorry. Could it be so easy! (who said it was easy) Yes that's it children I'm sorry!

I stand before now a changed man, after years of listening. I marvel at the amazing transformation and growth. My legs are much stronger now!

Now for some housekeeping to the person that commented "Papa Randy is crazy" Let me add two things. 1 it is my duty as blog moderator to correct your spelling, and add the punctuation your education left out! So as to clarify your intended meaning. 2 let me add "like a fox"so your comment now reads Papa Randy is crazy like a fox. There,There it's all better, your meaning is now clear, and as always thanks for the kind words.

For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he Proverbs 23:7 KJV

This is Papa Randy I am

Friday, February 21, 2020

10x RULE (will it work for you?)

Think back what it was like when you were a child and wanted to accomplish something, you went all in. Think riding a bike, or learning to swim. In the beginning there was fear, but the desire for a certain outcome overcame the fear, with action, which overcame the inertia.
(a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged).

If you recall it was massive action, not a half hearted effort that allowed you to overcome gravity and move through this world in ways you had only dreamed of moments before. This is my best description of Grant Cardones 10x Rule. Child like in nature where desire of outcome
overrides all obstacles in it's path with massive action.

Umpteen years later like a heavy airplane the heavier (read older) we are the harder it is to get lift-off velocity. To overcome the inertia, which has set in over the years. This is where the 10x Rule comes in.

Can you really supersize your efforts, and will it supersize your results? I'm getting ahead of myself.

1- What  is the 10x Rule- It is based on Grants observation, that the most common cause of failure. Was the fact that we under estimate the amount of effort, energy, and time that will be needed to meet our goals. This has been my experience as well. When I have failed, it has been a failure in estimated effort, energy, or time allotted to succeed. By a factor of 10x!

2- Who will it work for- For those willing to reset the bar higher on their efforts, through massive action. None else need apply! Anybody looking for a short-cut needs to look elsewhere. On second thought 10x your actions will be a short-cut, it will get you to your goals faster. Agreed!

3-When to begin- Today that's just one reason to adopt 10x thinking save your money, exhaust your efforts, energy, and time then tomorrow begin again anew building on yesterdays successes and experiences.(no excuses to start).

4-Where to begin- Herman Conwell an American Baptist minster, orator, philanthropist, lawyer, and writer. Among his many accomplishments he was known for his lecture which became a book "Acres of Diamonds"which I highly recommend you read along with the "10xRule"

He presented his lecture over 6,152 times worldwide a feat in itself in the early 1900's. The point of his talk was to "dig for diamonds in your own backyard" an overlooked concept today as well as then. So where do you begin? Right where your at !(no excuses).

His lecture truly is a diamond and I believe it is in the public domain to be viewed on Gutenburg press. He didn't have air travel or the internet. He applied 10x effort, energy, and time to his purpose. 

5 -Why 10x your efforts- When failure is not an option and you have (chosen your purpose wisely) 10x massive action going forward will make success likely, and possibly unavoidable.

6-How to begin- We can easily see how Grants hard charging business tactics could spill over
into sports, but what about other areas of your life, family, relationships, health and wellness or even spiritual ----------- you fill in the blank !

Not convinced I propose you pick one area of your life to test the 10x Rule. I picked two because my favorite exercise is biting off more than I can chew.

1- I would like to 10x this Blog as Grant points out I have sorely under estimated what it takes  to make it succeed. I believe it to be a worthwhile pursuit. Worthy of massive action!

2- In his book Grant makes several observations that are worth the price alone. The average person reads less than one book per year. With the average C.E.O. reading about 60. Trust me this is not for entertainment(at least not what the average person finds entertaining).

I decided to 10x my book reading this being made possible by audio books. Because of the added opportunity listening provides. If you don't think this is reading get over it, I did. I can now READ while driving, working, walking, and in the evening when I want to limit screen time. "The 10x Rule" was my 1st audio book and I'am glad to say this "Old dog can learn new tricks" the added opportunity is limitless as are the benefits.

Grant goes on to say one of the biggest problems as a company and individuals have is obscurity. Not product, or service, nor personality, but simple fact we are unknown. Before our person or product can be rejected it must first be accepted. Before we quality issues or delivery issues.

We must first work to get on everybody's radar. This is job #1 so make sure your 10xing the right thing first bring yourself, product, service, or cause out of obscurity 1st and foremost. They can't talk about you if they don't know you, and if they are not talking about you, you are not making the desired impact.

With today's social media this is almost free, and a great place to flex those 10x muscles. Don't leave this card on table, play it every chance you get. In my own case as a blogger talent may be an issue, but obscurity is the biggest issue. With 10x action I improve both presents and my presentation, killing two birds with one stone.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the other half of 10x massive action, and that's 10x goal setting. Which will be an article of it's own.

Will all this work for you?
The harder you work!
The better it works!

This is Papa Randy I'am

Saturday, February 15, 2020

How not to lose 20lbs. again & again

Meeting your weight loss goals can be a mtn. top experience. Losing the weight only to regain it is akin to winning the battle but, losing the war. repeating this process again & again will knock you off the top into the valley and maybe into the pit. Let's get out of the rut that leads to the pit, otherwise known as Yo-Yo dieting. 

The question is how best is this accomplished. You may need some help, I did. In last weeks post Habit forming is Habit forming I felt I didn't do the subject justice. I have since discovered Liz Josefsberg her book Target 100 & her website Target 100 .com Liz is a health, wellness, and weight loss expert author of the previously mentioned best selling book Target 100.

I learned about her from an interview with Tom Bilyeu on his Impact Theory podcast. One of my favorites, I never fail to learn something new I can use to improve my quality of life. The beauty of her work is in it's simplicity. 

It's all based on the number 100 and what she calls the 6 Pillars.
(1)-100 grams of carbs. daily
(2)-100 ounces of water daily
(3)-100 minutes of movement weekly
(4)-100 minutes of stress relief weekly
(5)-100 minutes of exercise weekly
(6)-100 minutes of extra sleep weekly (my personnel kryptonite)

At this point it may sound a little complicated but, in fact they are simply connected to each other. One pillar to the next supporting the structure, you being the structure. Liz points out 100 may not be the perfect number but, it's memorable.

It's true even I can remember 100 and that my friends is beautiful in it's simplicity and will get me so much closer to my health and wellness goals than I ever got aiming at perfection in the past. Liz uses an archery target as a metaphor.

With it's ever decreasing rings and central bullseye being the smallest and hardest to hit signifying perfection. Which is difficult but gets easier with practice. The outer rings of the target being larger and more doable from the beginning and, yet producing dramatic results just the same. You can't go wrong !

In last weeks post I touched on habit forming but, Liz tackles it and I believe gives it a full chapter in her book. Which I confess not to have read, being so new to her work. She generously gives a tremendous amount of info. on her website Target 100 .com for free.

Liz describes what she calls the ( habit loop ) broken down into 3 parts (1)Triggers (2) Routine and (3) Reward. Go to her site for a full explanation but, I will touch on it here. 

In creating a new habit Liz says perfection is not the goal consistency is. We all know to well we will fall but, falling doesn't mean failing. Not if you dust yourself off and get back on for another ride. You will eventually break that habit, at the same time creating a new one.

On her website you will find a habit change key which is a worksheet in her book. Use this tool to dig up your triggers, uncover your routine, claim your reward and, bury that old habit once and for all.

In her Impact Theory interview Tom asked her, what was the most beneficial habit his listeners could cultivate. To my surprise she said "hydration drinking 100 oz. of water per day". Which is consistent with her  6 Pillar concept . 

This renewed my interest in the benefits of drinking water. I am ashamed to say I often ignore it for more exotic beverages. In my search for short term clarity of mind and the promise of energy. False promise I might add ! How do I know, because they continually require higher rates of consumption to get that short term benefit.

Not dissimilar to many drugs, over or under the counter. If it looks like a duck and, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. We knows this never ends well.

Water on the other hand has been on the menu in this world since day one and God said "it is good" and that's good enough for me. He has yet to voice his opinion on so called soft and energy drinks but, I will view his silence with caution and not optimism, not cautious optimism.

According to Liz we are largely made up of water, so I guess it makes sense to replenish and replace it. Water may very well be the tonic I am seeking for clarity of thought. I connect sentences but, she connects ideas and, changes peoples lives. That is the clarity I am after.

This ability to communicate in the written word, that like me is quickly going out of fashion. Keep in mind I am not a researcher just a searcher as you are. She says we confuse hunger with thirst or is it thirst with hunger I 'm confused.

Looking to hydrate our body through food, when in fact we are thirsty. Speaking of food she puts little emphasis on calorie counting. Just as important as what your eating is what's eating you. The Pillars of sleep and stress relief reflect this attitude.

I will explore a different Pillar weekly and let you know my thoughts, results, successes, and falling, but not failure !

This is Papa Randy I am

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Habit forming is Habit forming

Most of our health issues didn't overtake us overnight as we slept for example obesity, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes. Most were years in the making and the cure, and there can be a cure. Can take place overnight, for this is when the body heals itself. 

Overnight just not one night, the cure just like the curse can also be years in the making. Life is not a sprint it just feels that way. You may in fact have to make some major changes in lifestyle, diet, exercise, relationships, and social media habits.

A change of habit is not a short term fix, it is easy to lose weight, but to keep weight off you must change your way of life to be successful. If not it is so easy to fall into the the same old rut, don't ask me how I know.

Ruts are made by going back to the same place over and over, the more we do it the harder it is to get out, and the easier it is to slip right back in. Wasting all your hard work. Maybe what you need to guard against this is radical change. 

Instead of taking the same old path instead do a 180 degree turn. Give the body a shock, a wake up call so it sits up and pays attention. By now you have determined the old path, as easy as it might be was not taking you where you want to go anyway.

A new path doesn't only include creating new habits, but breaking old ones. I did say shock the body. The good news is when you do both at the same time the benefits, and results are equally impressive.

So the question is how is this best done. If you are older like myself don't view this as a new construction project it's more of a remodel. It's a bit more messy, it will take longer, and cost more if not in money then, in time. 

The end result will be years of added value and usefulness to the old structure. Besides the alternatives are not that appealing, tearing down the old structure, or just living with it till your not. Once you have made up your mind the battle is half over.

As it is often said " If you think you can and if think you can't you are probably right either way". Just don't get too complacent cause it is a battle just the same, and a battle requires a plan, and a plan requires action.

Enemies need to be identified, strengths, and weaknesses need to be evaluated. Road blocks, detours, and shortcuts need to be anticipated, as well as mitigated. While I can not guarantee success, I can guarantee success, or your money back. 

Let me add immediate results to that money back. How can I do this simple don't spend any money which will remove one of the main road blocks. You can begin today which will guarantee immediate results.

Still long term success is on you, but you knew that anyway. I can only encourage you along the way. Ok enough of the pep talk and on with the prep talk. Let's start with some habit forming , life changing, low hanging fruit.

Once you have your battle plan, and it can be any plan for anything. You can insure your odds of success tremendously. By doing this one thing. No matter who you are, and no matter what the plan is.

This one Superpower to success can be yours, are you ready Ok here it is WRITE IT DOWN ! Maintain a journal, write down your goals, your hopes, your fears, successes, and failures. You will have all of these. Maintain it on a daily bases, and it will become your most valuable asset.

Do not overlook or underestimate it's importance if you do only one thing do this thing! Let's get started with a few low cost, and or no cost ideas. I don't pretend know your specific needs, but in general most people would like to change their eating and exercise habits, and improve their health, and well being.

Let's pick some of that low hanging wellness fruit we talked about. Instead of adding new healthy foods to our diet today we can remove a food like a sugary dessert, or reduce total consumption not only did we not spend any money we saved some so there!

We are on the right path now, since we are there the best tonic for what ails you is a walk down that path. Once again because the cost is low do not underestimate the value of this time tested elixir of life, and the benefits of walking to mind, body, and soul which can not be measured in dollars.

Yes you say but I don't have the time. It is time now to call in the markers on some of those habits you would like to change. You can kill two birds with one stone by taking time away from social media or the evening news. Which in itself is known to have proven health benefits. 

Now for the icing on the cake (if this is a metaphor it is the worst one possible). Take your spouse, kids, friends, or the dog and engage in the lost art of conversing one -on - one. Don't be ashamed to post your successes on social media everybody else does!

This is Papa Randy I'am