Germany is phasing out all nuclear power by 2022. Undeterred by their lack of success on a global scale they are also shuttering 84 coal fired power plants by 2038. Can you say throwing out the baby with the bath water. Which begs the question they should have asked in the first place.
What are the consequences,where are we going, and how fast are we getting there. Cause we are all on the same road. Questions that should have been asked and answered in the 1960/s. After 60 years they have completed a study on storing Radioactive waste.
The study shows a storage site can be completed by 2050. Their findings were called ambitious, optimistic, and Impossible. The thought that a ruling elite could be so shortsighted is beyond criminal, and might get the attention of a less compliant public.
More thought was put into closing of the local mall. Which they also thought would last forever. I'am sure the next big thing will get sold to general public as the last big thing was. If past performance is indicative of future results.
Judging by their track record, instead of the road to El Dorado. I believe we are headed to somewhere between Mayberry and the Thunderdome, or worse going over a cliff of no return Thelma & Louise style after a Fukushima moment. All the while the powers that be are headed to Mars. They will be going up as we go down.
In any event this will be sold as a step into the future. Which is probably truer than they know. I predict a lot more walking on this new road. Which don't make it all bad.
This is Papa Randy and I'am
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