Or better said, How I Lost 10 lbs.Fasting. Yes I said fast not fun, but it really wasn't that hard.The hardest part was getting started and getting through the first day. Once you set your mind to it it's as good as done. Here's how I did it simply put and I do mean simple cause simple is the best way. Just don't eat, drink only water, maybe with a little apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice in it.
I personally also drank some coffee, I have since given up coffee, and feel much better for it. What I'am talking about here is a five day water fast. One problem people have with most diets is they find them complicated. This one is not, one rule don't eat.
Will you cheat ? I did a little, very little don't beat yourself up over it. One thing I might add I did this without any exercise routine. I'am not sure you could do this type of fast and maintain a regular workout at the same time. So why do a water fast.
One reason is you can't always find the time to exercise, but you can always find the time to not eat. If weight loss is one of your main goals, as it is for so many people. This may be for you. With most changes of habit, as I said earlier getting started was the hardest part. The first day I missed eating out of force of habit.
One thing I did to make it easier I conducted my fast at my cabin in Hochatown Okla. Where I kept no food at the time. You may not have the luxury of separating yourself off from food, and people eating it. As I found out later going to a family event centered on eating made it much more difficult.
A couple of things you can do to insure your chances of success, don't begin your fast in the holiday season or while on vacation. Consider your ability to control the amount food ads you are bombarded with you know they do it cause it works.
Keep in mind my results are not the least bit scientific and your results are bound to vary, and I only print this because I'am a good example of an average person. I hope you find the information useful. Here is how it went.
Day 1- Weighing in at 220lbs. I had been doing some alternate day fasting, but not seriously since the first of the year, and had lost about 15lbs.weighing 235 in Jan. So I was no beginner.The first day was still hard. Keep your mind occupied and off of food.
Day 2- I decided to go cycling and found that on one long uphill I had to walk pushing my bike to the top. This is why I say it may be difficult to maintain your regular exercise routine. Once again very unscientific, and you may get different results.
Day 3- Was uneventful I did have a strange metallic taste in my mouth. I believe it is a symptom of ketosis for I believe your bound to enter into it on this type of fast. Don't be like me a little research can go a long way. I'am a terrible guinea pig but I'am the only one I can afford. The only thing I do consistent is consistently getting it wrong, as you will see on day 4.
Day 4- I experienced what is commonly called the keto flu. Which is proof you are in ketosis which is the metabolic process of burning fat for energy because of the lack of glucose. Resulting in a build up of ketones or acids. The body stores fat like a bank account, in ketosis your spending that fat, hence the weight loss.
I could have easily avoided this so called "keto flu" had I done some fact finding on the net, for this is a common condition. My symptoms were as follows, extreme fatigue,brain fog,nausea,dizziness,and heart palpitations. There can be other symptoms those were just mine.
Hey what's the deal these were all the things I was trying to cure in the first place. A simple internet search told me all this was caused by a loss of salt and water due to my fast. Simply add a half tsp. of salt to your 16oz. water bottle, might as well make it Himalayan pink salt. Due this twice a day.
I didn't know this and almost gave up my fast.What I did do, it just so happens was a salt water detox on day 4 just as it sounds salt and water. Presto it cured my symptoms, and I was back on track.
Day 5- I felt great it was my final day, but I had a family event with a lot of food, it was the first time I really missed food. Maybe because I usually over eat at these events and it was triggering a pavlovian response.
As far as results go I lost 10lbs. in 5 days. I don't know how much of this was water loss, I did put a couple of pounds quite quickly after the fast. I believe the salt water detox contributed to the water loss, because it emptied my system completely.
What is a salt water detox, flush, or cleanse.While it might sound dangerous too much salt can kill , but remember so can to much water. Studies have shown it to be both safe and effective. I had tried doing this and didn't have good results. As I said I'am consistently wrong.
I did it late in the day, you should do it first thing in the morning. I did it on a full stomach at the time, you should do it on an empty stomach. I used table salt you should use sea salt. Make sure your salt is not iodized which could affect absorption.
The second time I tried this detox I followed these simple rules and was very successful. Here's how to prepare your detox. Take 1 liter of water heat it above room temp., but cooler than your morning coffee add 2 tsp. of salt and shake well.
If you like add some lemon juice as the salt will be quite strong tasting. Drink it as fast as possible(in a few minutes). It will take effect in less than a hour, and the effects may last several hours. So make sure you set aside enough time and have access to bathroom facilities.
It's simple fast and cost effective, unlike so many things we do. One thing I didn't know a water fast can cause constipation, because your not consuming any fiber. We all know what roll fiber plays in our diet. So I guess it makes sense I was feeling like I needed the detox after a week without fiber.
In summary I don't know if I will do a water fast again it seems so disruptive to your work and exercise routine. I'am not giving medical advice I just sharing my experience. I've had good results with alternate day fasting. Which consist of eating as usual on day one then on day two eating 25% of your normal calorie intake.
I do this by eating a large bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, and honey for breakfast and I'am done for the day. Everybody is different I find on normal days my body does not try and make up for lost calories.
I find that this fast ADF is easier to keep than the old school diet of restricting calories everyday for weight loss. There is plenty of research out there that ADF is more effective at weight loss.
Back to the 5 day water fast it did help me jump start a weight loss program. I have since lost an additional 15lbs. by the end of the month using ADF It also helped me break a few old habits at the same time by going cold turkey on sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and just general over eating.
I said goodbye to these old friends, and hope to never see them again. I constantly use myself as a test subject, and I hope you can learn a little from the process, as I do.Certainly don't try any of this without consulting your physician.I don't like writing about something unless I've tried it myself.
There are many other reasons to do a multi day water fast other than weight loss for example. I ran across this research by the University of Southern California in an article titled grow stem cells with fasting. It states that fasting 2 to 4 days at a time causes elimination of older cells allowing them to be replaced by new cells.
Out with the old in with the new, for all practical purposes rebooting the immune system. Imagine that people have been fasting for centuries now we know why.
I fail to mention one of the best reasons for fasting is it cost nothing, and as you guessed actually saves you money. Which is good cause your going to need some new clothes.
This is Papa Randy and I'am
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