Wednesday, June 5, 2019

5 Free Healthy Habits

We are now half way thru the year seems like a good time to revisit your new years health resolutions. Don't wait 6 more months do it now. I have nothing to say that you don't already know.

Just a friendly reminder that good health doesn't have to be expensive, hard, or time consuming. It can be a way of life. Here are a few examples.

I won't go into great detail there are many excellent websites, blogs, and You Tube channels that cover each topic as I said just a reminder. Here we go.

1 - FASTING remember I said FREE not FUN. Fasting for health has a long history. It comes in many forms usually based on length of fast and usually promoting weight - loss but not always. Common fast are Intermittent fasting, that consist of eating everyday in a 8-12 hr. restricted window.

Alternate day fasting, eating normal on day one then on day two eating 25% of your regular calories. Repeat as needed. Lastly there's water fasting where you guessed it you consume mostly water usually for 3-5 days.They all work, find the one that suits your health goals.

2 - BREATHING- You say "I got this " been doing it 20,000 times a day since birth, but are you doing it correctly. Just as in fasting there are many variations often combined with meditation. I prefer the Wim Hof  AKA (The Ice Man) method of breathing you may of heard of him because of his extreme cold weather feats setting many world records.

Wim has been healing mind and body through breathing and will show you how. Wim Hof .com
I am a big fan of his cold shower techniques don't knock it till you try it. It works.

3 - STRETCHING- Whatever your - ing - is hiking, running, biking, kayaking, hunting, and fishing. Lets not forget every ones least favorite working. Stretching is the best way to start the day. Call it Yoga call it Pilates call, but do it. It's not glamorous but it pays dividends in the long run.

4 - SLEEPING - We've all heard it we'll sleep when we're died. The truth is the less sleep you get now the sooner your going to find out. So unless your in a hurry let's ere on the side of caution and get more sleep now. I highly recommend a book ( Why we Sleep).

5 - INSPIRE the SPIRIT - Could be music or a positive message in a podcast like a TEDX talk. Could be your favorite preacher, books on tape on a long road trip or go old school and read to yourself. Better yet the most effective way to inspire the spirit, PRAY.

6 - A bonus for you multi- taskers you can combine all of these into one action excluding sleep of course. Honesty I think the whole idea is to calm the over achiever in you showing you it's not only Ok to recharge slowly, but more beneficial than getting a jumpstart by doing to much at one time. Ultimately destroying the thing we're trying to save !

This is Papa Randy and Iam

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